Canal daze

I’ve been taking it pretty gently for a few days, nursing a painful twisted ankle – seems I overdid the physical activity a bit last weekend.

Sunset over Noosa Waters

Consequently New Year’s Eve consisted of a quick early evening stroll up to the Noosa River where families were picnicking ahead of fireworks displays.

Sunset on the Noosa River on NYE
The Noosa River
A private jetty on the Noosa River
Picnickers by the Noosa River on NYE

But for me it was back to the canal for a quick glass of wine and an early night (I still haven’t fully adjusted to the early starts to the day – I’m often up and about by 5.30am as it’s fully light). But that’s OK, this was supposed to be a relaxing break and I’ve certainly gotten well through a couple of books I’d been wanting to read for ages, and of course there’s always Netflix.

A still morning on the canal at Noosa
A still morning on the canal at Noosa
A still morning on the canal at Noosa
A still morning on the canal at Noosa

Photographically, my efforts have been limited to observing life on and around the canal at the back door of my abode, where I sit on the deck for hours reading and just watching the world go by – at least the world that has the wherewithal for million dollar mansions and messing about in boats.

Million dollar MacMansions at Noosa
A still morning on the canal at Noosa
A still morning on the canal at Noosa

Some of my neighbours, however, have been upping the multicultural quotient – a family of Australian water dragons (Itellagama lesueurii) lives under my deck and seem quite social. Often several will join me on the deck, posed silently for long periods then suddenly skittering across the boards engaged in some private game, or struggle for existence.

Australian Water Dragon
Australian Water Dragon
Australian water dragon (Itellagama lesueurii)
Australian water dragon (Itellagama lesueurii)
Australian water dragon (Itellagama lesueurii)

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6 Comments Add yours

  1. Di Ayers says:

    Your photos are wonderful Andrew…hope the ankle is feeling better.

  2. Pam Stewart says:

    Sounds like you have had the best idea getting the bus around. The family say they haven’t been able to get a park anywhere around Noosa. went to the National Park – no parking, went to Sunshine Beach so the kids could go in the surf – Bluebottles!! Drove up to Eumundi, no parking so they left the ladies off and the men went off to Cooroy. I hope your ankle improves before you get back to Tassie.

    1. Thanks Pam, yes traffic appears to be a real issue here. Ankle is coming good thanks reckon I’ll be out and about again tomorrow.

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