
On Friday I visited Maroochydore, an hour or so on the public bus south from Noosa. It’s the major commercial centre on the Sunshine Coast, as well as a popular holiday spot.

Cotton Tree

The bus stopped near the Maroochy River, which forms a broad estuary before flowing out to the sea. This forms a safe swimming area with an adjacent park named for the yellow-flowering trees that shade it.

Pier on Maroochy River at Cotton Tree
Maroochy River at Cotton Tree
Maroochy River at Cotton Tree
Cotton tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Cotton tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Cotton tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Poinciana (Delonix regia)
Maroochy River at Cotton Tree

Maroochydore Beach

The beach seemed much less crowded than at Noosa, possibly because families prefer the safer waters of the river back behind the dunes.

Maroochydore Beach
Maroochydore Beach
Maroochydore Beach – His Master’s Voice
Maroochydore Beach
Maroochydore Beach
Maroochydore Beach
Maroochydore Beach

Signs of Maroochydore

Lots to do here, clearly. The ‘hotels’ are sometimes named with a Spanish flavour, which in translation sound less exotic.

Signs of Maroochydore – Longboarders Loge
Signs of Maroochydore – Wal-doff Court
Signs of Maroochydore – Coral Sea
Signs of Maroochydore – Sunshine Towers
Signs of Maroochydore – Weir’s Inside Edge Surf Shop
Signs of Maroochydore – FourEx Gold
Signs of Maroochydore – Barefoot Bowls
Signs of Maroochydore – Los Carlos
Signs of Maroochydore – Casual Ladies


One Comment Add yours

  1. Di says:

    Love all the floral pics…I wonder where the casual men go…or do they just sit on a bench outside, waiting for their womenfolk, jingling their keys, as in other places?

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