A walk around Margate

I combined three short walks around the town to make a very pleasant afternoon stroll of around 2 1/2 hours and about 8km.

Old and new tracks in Kingborough

This New Year’s Eve walk took me along beaches, bush tracks and suburban streets to revisit some old and familiar haunts, revisit one I’d not seen for years, and to explore a new trail at the southern end of Blackmans Bay Beach.

Exploring the ‘Southern Trove’ south of Hobart

The area south of Hobart offers a wealth of experiences, incredible scenery ranging from alpine areas in the Hartz mountains, dense rainforests, calm rivers, fertile agricultrual land and coastal beaches.

Open House Hobart 2016

The annual Open House Hobart provides the opportunity to have a good old stickybeak inside buildings that are not normaly accessible to the public.

Dark Mofo Part 3 – Burning the Ogoh Ogoh

…the festival culminated in a firey spectacle based on a traditional Indonesian ogoh ogoh ceremony designed to purge people’s fears by consigning them to the flames.

Dark Mofo Part 2 – Painting the Town Red

It’s not just large public buildings and infrastructure that are lit up to celebrate Dark Mofo in Hobart … Hotels and homes are also glowing crimson through the long winter nights