Lost World and South Wellington

I spent one day of the Easter weekend clambering around the Lost World, a part of kunanyi-Mount Wellington that I’d not previously explored.

Snow gums, Lost World
Snow gums, Lost World

Clambering was the operative-the track is just a pad over Mount Arthur and across its many boulders. My knees were soon protesting, but the views were worth it.

Dolorite columns and boulders, Lost World

I confess I found the boulder scrambling quite a challenge, and after reaching a point where where I could see the ‘mini organ pipes’ and the scree field of fallen dolerite columns, I opted not to descend further. I’d recommend wearing gloves if you’re considering exploring this area – I was constantly looking for handholds as I raised and lowered myself up and down steep gullies.

Dolorite columns and boulders, Lost World
Richea scoparia, Lost World
Snow gums, boulders and mountain berry at Lost World
Lost World track
Hobart from on high
Mini Organ Pipes, Lost World

I parked at the larger of the carparks, about 600 meters above Big Bend. In preparing for the trek I found a number of blogs that discussed the various huts around this area, and for the first time I noticed Luckman’s Hut, which sits just below the roadway a little below where the Panorama Track leads from Pinnacle Road down to near the Chalet.

The River Derwent from the Big Bend car park

They also mention an old skating rink, built in the 1930s, which apparently is somewhere off to the top side of the road in the same vicinity. Apparently Luckman’s Hut was built by the Hobart Walking Club in the late 1930s as a base for skiers and skaters, and named for one of its founding members.

Collapsed dolorite columns, Lost World
Tree growing out of a rock, Lost World
Tree growing out of a rock, Lost World

Several blogs also mention other huts in the vicinity of the Mount Arthur and Lost World area, although due to concerns of vandalism, don’t give precise locations.

Mount Wellington is Hobart’s number one tourism attraction, according to TripAdvisor (and before you start writing in, Mona – the Museum of Old and New Art – is listed as the number one attraction in Berridale, the northern Hobart suburb in which it is located!). On this Easter Monday, it was living up to its title, with hundreds of visitors, many of them international, and their cars, crowded around the pinnacle.

Busy day at the summit
The White Tower

A few steps over behind the ABC transmission tower, however, and the crowds thinned to keener outdoor types heading off across the flagged boulder field trail to South Wellington or huffing their way up from the Springs via the Zig Zag Track.

Top of the Zig Zag Track looking towards South Wellington

The view of the Kingborough Peninsula and South Wellington from this area is spectacular.

Kingborogh from South Wellington


2 Comments Add yours

  1. RuthsArc says:

    A lovely post Andrew. I’ll have to explore this part of the mountain. I’m sure my knees with protest too but it looks well worth the effort. Thanks for the post.

  2. A very challenging piece of country so easily accessible from Hobart. Great photos. Thanks.

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